
Fourth Plenary Assembly on “Democracy and corruption” was held virtually

The Global Network on Electoral Justice organized virtually the Fourth Plenary Assembly on “Democracy and Corruption” on 21-22, October 2021 from Mexico City, Mexico.

Representatives from more than 20 countries, over 10 international organizations around the world, including the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia, the President of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions Mr. Chinbat Namjil participated in the Plenary Assembly.

Delegates met to analyze the current state of democracy, its impact on the development of democratic governance, and how the activities of electoral-jurisdictional authorities, electoral campaigns and participation of electoral parties interact with public trust in electoral processes.

Within the framework of this objective the discussions on the development of democracy, freedom of expression, pluralism, freedom of association, ensuring equal participation, the impact of corruption and the pandemic on the independence of the judiciary, and responding to these challenges were held.